Well i searched the forums, and although I found several posts with virtually the same problem as I am having, none of them came with a solution. My problem is this:
I have a main movie, with a preloader at the beginning. I am then loading external swf’s into an empty mc at frame 10. These external swf’s have their own preloaders attaches. They all work on their own but when combined, the preloaders get stuck somewhere and load both at the start of the main timelines loading… I want the preloader for the main swf to load only the main swf content, and the other one to wait until frame 10 to start.
Ive heard several people that just say add a preloader at the beginning of ever swf and it will work, but it doesnt. Ive played around with _root and _parent to try and correct the situation but cant seem to figure it out. I can post fla’s if you would like…
The thing was that when you preview things in flash it uploads empty MC content at full speed, even if you hit Ctrl+Enter twice to make it load slow. I didnt know this.
I uploaded the files to my server, and the preload works fine.
And of course, now I find threads with this in the search… ugh I need sleep. haha
Is there any external programs that will load all movies as if you were viewing them on the internet? To load the files to my server every time I want to check them seems kinda tedious.