End of the world as we know it, & I feel fine?

It is just me, or is this actually the beginning of the end of the world?

I think this a lot, especially when I see children murdered and all these countless wars on the horizon, but I was at a website this morning that kinda threw me for a loop.

Have y’all gone to Vodafone.com? I try not to read (I just like to look at pictures) but from what I scanned this is some kind of new tech communications company. I don’t know much about it, all I know is that the ideas unveiled in the “future” presentation are really close to the mark of the beast.

This is the link.

Now I’m an old fashioned girl, when I was 10 there was no such thing as the internet (of course that’s only been about 15 years ago), and the hottest utility was like being able to 3 way call. I remember the AT&T commercials where there were ideas like being able to video conference with someone in China or remotely turn off your electricity (from the car) and I was like gasp OMG! that’ll never happen. I couldn’t imagine it back then, now I can’t imagine life without it.

My thing is that when I was that 10 year old little girl, I heard about the mark of the beast, and I thought, heck, that’ll never happen… we couldn’t possibly have the technology for that and besides too many ppl wouldn’t allow it to happen. but now, i realize that it’s so convenient that ppl won’t complain (along with the fact that having an opinion is considered anti-patriotic around these parts).

Is it just me or does anyone else see us rapidly falling into a society where we’re encouraged to be opinion-less, medicated, do-what-you’re-told, don’t-ask-questions, big-brother-is-watching drones?