Enlarging a MC on mouse over

I have created a continuous scrolling image bar with several MCs as the pictures. I placed all the MCs in a single frame and used this AS to get them to scroll -

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {// movie clip enterframe event
_x=_x+3;// change position for each enterframe event
if(_x>=270){// condition
_x=-735;// if condition true movie clip jumps to starting position

What I want to do now is enlarge each MC by 50% when the mouse rolls over each one.

Anyone know how I can do this?

I did create a button in a new layer for each MC so when the mouse rolled over the scrolling image, a larger one appeared covering this smaller image. This did work but when I did this for the image next to it, the image was overlapping the scrolling ones, therefore partly blocking some of it. I tried re-arranging the layers and arranging them to the front or back but this did not work.

Any help appriciated :slight_smile:

I have attached an example of what I’m trying to do here (please right click to save!)

I have only done it to two of the images (the sunset and fish next to it) and as you can see the fish doesn’t fully display in front of the scrolling image but the sunset does. I’ve tried the layer settings and arrangement as I’ve said aboue but this didn’t help!

Could someone please tell me where I’m going wrong or know of another way to do this?

I have tried motion tweening but the scrolling is very jagged and not smooth.

Many Thanks

Edit - All sorted now…if anyone wants to know how I did it then I will put the AS up.