ENTER for creators from creators

Hee Peeps,

This is my entry,

Its called enter because its need to be a magazine for young designers that want to be the best!!! :)And its digital and enter is a well know key from the keyboard.

It’s a mag that handle’s dif subjects, this month main subject is character design. That explains all the characters on the front.

I looked good at other magazines covers and tried to give it my own twist, all the illustrations are mine (so you know that ;)) It’s important that it looks creative and that its attractive.

update III

Update II


First version (old):


man that’s nice

neat! great drawings

holy cow, this is amazing! nice work dude!

awesome dude! best entry till now :thumb:

dude, that is some awesome vector art!
great work;):thumb:

Thnks all :slight_smile:

That headphone and the stifs are a new style to me :slight_smile: glad you like it.
How do you’all think about the design of the magezine itself, positions and stuf?

Yeah very nice work.

Good luck having the scanners read the barcode :stuck_out_tongue:

Other than that… Look’s great!

Looks awesome - you even have the cliche magazine slogan “for x from x” :thumb:

Thnks :slight_smile:

Yeah that bar code needs to be a “little” bid smaller :smiley:
I whas thinking that it was a original line Canadian :wink:

I hope I have some time for a couple of little changes.

Awesome!! :slight_smile:

Update, is this one better :slight_smile: I think it is.

i think you have just put the icing on the cake there, very tidy stuff :bounce:

great work there - crisp and clean! :thumb:

Dude, i like this one. It’s a possible winner. Did you make it with Photoshop or Flash?:sen:

Adobe illustrator :azn:

Woah. Love it. Nice vectors

Indeed very smooth man! for sure gonna be hard to top this one!:beam:

very nice! … few things i will mention, text on bottom could be smaller just a touch, and i think you could do something more interesting with those dots in your list… if theres anything more im not saying :stuck_out_tongue:

looks great, good luck on the comp! :slight_smile: