Error in Photo Gallery


I wanted to use the « Create a Photo Gallery » tutorial, so I downloaded the tutorial, I read It, It worked well. So I added some picks just to see if it would work, and guess what, I didn’t :(. I followed the steps exactly(?) as it was written down:

  1. add the pic to the directory “animation/”
  2. I named the pic “image10.jpg”
  3. I added the image-name in the array by adding the following
    …image9.jpg", “image10.jpg” ];
  4. I published the file

Now when I run the file, you get to see all the originating pics, and when my own added pic had to come up, It simply leaves a blank. Can anyone help me, pleazze??:frowning:

View the HTML
View the *.Fla
View myadded pic
View the script with my added pic (*.txt)

a lot of people have had this problem with this tutorial and chances are you’re doing what everyone did. They basically saved the jpgs as progressive so it won’t load into flash. If you’re using photoshop then make sure the progressive check box is unchecked when you’re saving for web as a jpg. If you did everything right then that should be the solution.

You are right :slight_smile: I saved it without the progressive function and the pic was loaded into the file.

Thanxx :smirk: