Iv just had a go at the create a phot gallery tutorial and have come accross a bit of a problem.
In photo gallery i only have 2 pics at the moment and have listed these in the p.array section of the script, problem is when i publish it i can see one of the jpg’s but the other one will not appear what so ever , iv checked the directories and both are in the same directory , iv even tried switching the 2 around so the unloadable one loads second but it still doesnt work.
Has anybody else come accross a problem with this tut?
Also, iv noticed that the example it gives u at the top of the tut some of the images dont appear there either , like how it does with mine. Has anybody noticed this 2?
Flash can only dynamically import non-progress .jpg images.
Your other image is probably saved as a progressive .jpg image. In that case try bringing it into a graphics program and resaving it.
Also… I believe it doesn’t work if the extension is .jpeg either. It has to be .jpg (not 100% on this one though).
ANd for image positioning… the code attaches the upper left corner of your image to the registration point of your movie clip symbol you are loading to.
I usually create an empty movie clip and drag that to where the upper left corner of the image should be.