Hi people. I have tried the photo gallery tutorial and I was successful. Bu the funny thing is out of the 8 pictures i put inside the array, only 6 of them managed to appear. Can anyone offer me any solutions? Thanks
Make sure all your .jpg files are <B>not</B> saved as progressive .jpgs.
erm. sorry progessive jpg is too profound a word for me to understand. can you please elaborate in a simpler tone? thank u
Progressive is a type of .jpg file.
If you use Photoshop (or most other graphics programs) and you save your image as a Jpeg, you have an option of checking a box and saving it as a Progressive Jpeg.
Flash can not load the progressive jpeg format. So when you save it, you have to be sure that the checkbox for progressive is not checked.
hmmm… when i save the file using photoshop, there are no box for me to check wherether the file is progressive or not. I just save it under jpeg. anyway, does this tutorial work only for jpg files?
After you hit OK when you select your file Type a window pops up asking you your settings, the radio button is in there.
Check the screenshot to see what I mean.
And yes, I believe Flash is only able to dynamically load .jpg pictures.
anyway… thanks a lot for the enlightening.
i got it now. thanks. But sad to say… another problem cropped up. i did this tutorial as a new fla. when i copied and pasted this tutorial onto another fla, i can only see the pictures but not the button. can you please help me on this too?