Error opening URL ""

I’ve got a flash movie that uses the xml sendAndLoad method to take an email from an input field, send it to a php script that parses it (sends an email) and returns a value. And it used to work on a different server.

The problem is that now the trace() reports; Error opening URL “
(I’ve replace the actual url with as it’s not supposed to be seen yet)

The real problem if you will, is that the php script actually receives the input from flash, parses it and sends the mail. But as flash says it cant’s be opened, its really hard to provide sensible feedback.

Any clues?

function sendMails(){
    mc_pop.attachMovie("send_loader", "loader", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:10, _y:60});
    var wordString:String = '';
    for(var i = 0; i< wordList.length; i++){
    var login_str:String = "<email from=\""+_root.mc_pop.txt_yourEmail.text+"\" wordlist=\""+wordString+"\" to=\""+_root.mc_pop.txt_sendToEmail.text+"\" />";
    var my_xml:XML = new XML(login_str);
    myLoginReply_xml = new XML();
    myLoginReply_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    myLoginReply_xml.onLoad = myOnLoad;
    my_xml.sendAndLoad(domain + "sendMails.php", myLoginReply_xml);

function myOnLoad(success:Boolean) {
    if (success) {
        if ((myLoginReply_xml.firstChild.nodeName == "reply") &&
            (myLoginReply_xml.firstChild.attributes.path == "ok")) {
            attachMovie("mc_sent", "mc_pop", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:350, _y:350});
        } else {
            attachMovie("mc_not_sent", "mc_pop", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:350, _y:350});
    } else {
        attachMovie("mc_not_sent", "mc_pop", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:350, _y:350});
    _root.mc_pop.btn_closePop.onRelease = function () {
        keysActive = true;

Hope anyone can help