Errors on this site?

so every time I access kirupaforum firefox tells me there are js errors! it drives me insane, so earlier I looked at the errors, and they’re all just one error on one line, line 88 of /forums/clientscript/vbulletin_globals.js. So I took a look, and this is that line:

	window.event.returnValue = false;

and the javascript console says “window.event has no properties”…

this is annoying me to no end and if it was fixed, then ff users could get the dropdowns that seemed to have stopped working recently…

anybody else noticing the errors?

If you really really want to move this to client-side you can… but it seems those forums get like no hits, and it wasn’t really a js problem, more just a random site problem thingy…

although I’m using version 0.9.1

try going to 0.9.2… I think that’s when I started getting the errors :wink:

Just tried on FF v. .9.2 and I am having no errors. All the drop-down menus work also :stuck_out_tongue:

hm… if you install the developer toolbar do you get the js errors though? even if nobody is getting the problem it’s worth fixing the js imo :smiley:

LOL - one person getting an error isn’t good enough of a reason :stuck_out_tongue: Uninstall the dev toolbar or something. That is like me installing spyware and asking…kirupa to remove the pop-ups that appear on the site.

:D… the js has errors for everybody, it’s just that nobody notices them :P… I’ll see if I have the prob on 0.9.3

I have .93 with the developer toolbar and everything works fine for me. No js errors either.

eek! js is js… how can I be the only one getting the errors! when you try opening a drop-down do you get the error?

Nope - no errors even when I click on the drop-down menu. Even the QuickEdit works in FF :geek:

I tried to quick edit kirupa’s post, but then I realized that I didn’t post it! :sure:

perhaps you should try a re-install bp rofl…

I need 20ccs of JS STAT!

I’m going to make that your motto lol - “I need 20ccs of SOMETHING STAT!!!”

yeah, I just noticed the quick edit feature is back :smiley: cool