Even XBOX runs on Apple


Microsoft’s next-generation Xbox will ditch its Intel chip in favor of the same kind of chip used in Apple’s Macs – an IBM PowerPC processor – IBM and Microsoft announced on Monday.


Is that why MS has the delivery of G5’s (see post)


They were really beta Xbox2’s

lol! :stuck_out_tongue:

if a mac is “powered” by a chip…that means it doesnt own that chip.

therefore if a xbox is powered by a chip that doesnt mean it owns that chip

they are merely powered by a chip; made by IBM, one of the giants of old.

Now if i opened up a xbox and saw an apple, i would one faint, then say its powered by apple.

*Originally posted by prstudio *
**Now if i opened up a xbox and saw an apple, i would one faint, then say its powered by apple. **

If I opened up a xbox and saw a kumquat I would faint especially if I was playing Fifa 2004 because that everyone knows kumquat and football are a very rare mix.

nothing to get worked up about…It is not like you will see an apple sign in there. Guaranteed that Intel will make adjustments. It think more stuff like this should happen. Collab. and make the consumer happy. Like there are some things that apple should be incorporating.

yeah but i jsut thought it was funnny…dip buys one and draws on an apple

btw 3d-iva, nice footer :stuck_out_tongue:

muchos gracias

also mentioned yesterday in the news section :wink:

well sorrrry! lol shut up sen that doesnt count i found this by myself…

we have a news section?

ralucones = Sen? is that you sen?

yeah its him, it took me a while to hunt it down but in his profile the aim and yahoo is senocular

woops, I meant to change that. :crazy:

lol sen you gotta stop changing your name :o

Well maybe its because theyre getting a good deal on the chips price and are trying to help the Economy doesnt mean theyre gonna start using OSX as their new Dashboard that would be sick i can see it now cd icons jumping up and down like a mofo hey you got a game inserted do you wanna play it huh huh huh??? rotflmao

Midipi You bastard! :smiley:

Include the whole quote when you post it, not the part you like!!

Microsoft’s next-generation Xbox will ditch its Intel chip in favor of the same kind of chip used in Apple’s Macs --** an IBM PowerPC processor** – IBM and Microsoft announced on Monday.

I love all these attempts by mac people to make themselves feel good :sure:

I feel you grim…Those jumping and moving icons disgust me. Although apples pays real attention to eye candy and appeal…It is over done IMO

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**Midipi You bastard! :smiley:

Include the whole quote when you post it, not the part you like!!

I love all these attempts by mac people to make themselves feel good :sure: **

Mac users dont know how to interpret what they read another Mac side effect rotflmao

True they see that macs are getting any kind of press and they get giddy with joy and start haphazzardly posting.

*Originally posted by DDD *
**I feel you grim…Those jumping and moving icons disgust me. … **

they can be turned off … one lil tick
in the pref’s and it is no more :sure:

…same with the magnification and genie effects as well as where you want the dock to ‘live’ and it’s overall size…