Every day is Earth Day! - LearnFlash SOTW

I recieved an email from learnflash.com with their new site of the week.
They usually have some nifty sites, but I was really suprised by this one. Without reading their little note about the site I clicked the link and ended up here. wOOt!

I went back to my email and started reading their explanation. Apparently they went for content this time and not design - they said the site had some really nice games and stuff for kids. So I browsed the site very quickly and found this game!

It’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I guess it’s really good cause it teaches kids to not throw garbage around and stuff, but you gotta admit, it’s hilarious! **Please **go to “page 3” where you’ve got to help them clean up the mess, and do that. Cause on “page 4” you’re going to have a great laugh!:smiley: Btw, when you’re done on page 3 you’re going to have canSSSSSS stuck to your brain :stuck_out_tongue:

On page 4, click on the kids/plant thing and listen:lol: If you replay the song, you can even sing along :smiley:

I hope you had as much fun as I did, if not this was a waste of time - sorry :inc: