Hello Everyone!
I have a quick question. I have not tried this since flash 5 and it worked then but it is giving me trouble now. I want to link an .exe file to open from clicking a button. I made a .bat file to open the .exe and linked it like this:
[AS]on (release) {
fscommand(“exec”, “xl.bat”);
Am I doing this correctly? Have they changed it from flash 5 to 6 that I don’t know? I linked the other files with getURL but I used that to open word and excel files. But these exe files are for the word viewer and excel viewer. Is there anyway I can use getURL with .exe files also that would work? Help me anyone!
i think you ahve to make a fscommand folder and place all executables in it in order to have flash open it try doing a search for running executables from flash im sure you will find some answers
for more info read these