I’ve been searching for information about the expanding images effect but until now I didn’t found anything.
I will post an swf file that I’ve found on natzke.com. it is a god example of what I’m trying to do!
the basic component of that grid will have code to create the bounce effect which is set on mouseOver, unfortunately I cannot post that code here as it is not mine. However, you can find more about by doing a search at www.actionscript.org - do a search of the forums for an fla called “bouncy”, or do a name search for pixelwit - he very kindly showed me how to create that effect quite a while ago.
Also, have you visited http://www.bit-101.com/ - there you will find some very cool tutes on easing, gravity, bouncing etc etc.
Ok Steve…Thanks, i will trie to find that fla. Actualy i´ve beem on those two sites that you have posted but didn´t find anything…i will trie again using those tips you gave me!!
SteveD…i´ve done a search on those sites but i found nothing! I´ve seem some tuts of boucy efects but i think that is not the same effect that i´m looking to achieve!!
Can you ( or someone else) give some more clues on the subject!!
If you can wait till tomorrow I will sort it for you, it is late(ish) Friday night here and ( believe me) there is more to life than MX, also I need to secure the permission of pixelwit, then I will post tomorrow OK
:) i understand you becouse i´m leaving home after finish this words;) and i might have one or two beers myself.
OK…hope to have knews from you tomorrow, and thanks again for helping me!
Hey Steve!! Have you got some news from Pixelwit !
My search on the subject continue, but i´m not having succees finding information on this effect! I do´nt know i this is being so hard to find! is the effect that complicated!
Hi ricjg,
Sorry, been a bit slow in getting back - yes I spoke with PW, he says his file is open source and for anyone to use.
The easy around this problem is buy th file from natzke ( I’m told he sells them for about $80.00). To expensive ? It is for me.
Two files in the zip, pw’s original ( I think coded in 5 and most of the code you need is on his logo mc, second file, I have converted to a three frame loop (you would do all this in fr1 using an
[AS]onClipEvent = function[/AS]
but, I spread it out over three frames, the action to fire that is on fram1 of mc.bounce_inner, again this could go on fr1 of the maintimeline, but you will need to write it for each square.
OK - so this just gives us the basic “bounce” action on one mc.
To make the grid as at natzke, you will need to duplicat the mc enough times to make the grid, each square will then move independantly on mouseOver, how ever to recreate the natzke animation, you will need to set some variables and address the var dependant on which clip the mose is over.
I will leave with you that for now, I will not have time to take a look at this until after the w/e, would be interested to see what you come up with, I will post any results also.
btw I have left pw’s notes intact ( in both fla’s) for inspiration you can vists him atwww.pixelwit.com
Steve…thanks a lot for being such a great help! I’m really happy with those examples you’ve post and your explanation on how to create an effect similar to natkze. I guess I wouldn’t figger it out just for my self. I will now try to do something with the info that to provide me and soon as I achieve something relevant ´will post for you to see!
And you’re right, the sources in Natze.com are $80, they are great but too expensive for me also!