It’s been awhile since I posted anything new in this forum so I thought I’d share something I made over the weekend. This is actually a experimental layout I’m working on and there are still a lot of things I plan to add and bugs to work out. I just wanted to get some comments on what I have so far. =)
I like it. It is a good start. The power button is a nice touch. i would think about placing it somewhere away from the main nav though. I think the site would also be greatly aided by a little more animation. Couldn’t give you any specifics…it just seems a little too static at the moment.
Be sure to post it again as you work on it.
Thanks for the critique, I do plan on animating more of the stuff you see in the LCD screen so I have that part covered. As for the power button, I agree, I should put it somehwere else so that’s something I’ll keep in mind. =)
ooh… that’s nice…Love those indiglo lights =)
The only thing is, you can do without having those lcd objects move pointlessly with the mouseOver.
I’m guessing since youre g0nna add more animations to the LCD part,it’s gonna get a lil too busy in that area.
I like the overall look and feel to it. good job =)
i like, but i think its a bit too big and clunky. just myself however. :+)
i like it
Thanks for the input guys, this is definitely not the finished project, I made this in 2 days so there is still a lot of work to be done. I’ll take all that has been said into consideration and will make the changes accordingly. =)
nice layout…very similar to the old one…but very good none the less. cheers.
Wow, that’ cool! You’ve got that color scheme and alpha down to a fine art. Well done!!
The most disappointing part had to be the blue glow from behind mouse over effect. I’m not saying it was bad, just not up to par with the rest of your site.
The font you used for the larger titles and date is fuzzy and the rest of the site is sharp and clean. Is it a pixel font? Does it just need breaking apart? This could just sound like I’m being too picky but I just think the sharper the better.
Personally I would shrink the top corner triangles to about 1 / 3 of it’s original size and maybe change the triangles on the bottom right to something a bit more cutting edge, to fit in with the rest of the site.
Have you thought what it might look like if you didn’t have the gray things on the sides? The light will just be highlighting the interface frame making it appear from the shadows. Just a thought.
Anyways, awesome site man. If you can make an LED looking game for that display, it’ll be the BOMB!!
Thanks Kel for the input, this was just something I made for fun and I’m not even sure if I will push forward with it, I might do just keep it for reference and work on something more eloborate and use it for my next version of my main site. But if I do push forward with this one then there will be definite changes and I’ll use all the advice that was given. =)
hey nice touch eg
togarashi: a story of togarashi-san
Thanks 350z, I just looked at that link you posted, is it something you’re working on? It looks interesting. =)
Wow man, that looks incredible. Even though it is a short 2 second thing, the drawing is amazing!
EG: Yes, I think 350z is working on it. I think this because at the bottom it says it was made by, which is 350z’s site.
I definitely like the desciption at the bottom with what the site is and isn’t about
And you already know what I think of your layout EG… I told you already
oh haha I didn’t notice the description, I was distracted by the animation, but yea it looks great. 350z, let us know when it’s done. =)
hi guys
yes it’s a project that I’m currently working on.
It will take a while to get it done, but I’ll let you know
thanks anyway
EG: that woman on your previous splashpage… did you create her hair in 3D?
togarashi: a story of togarashi-san
nicely done! I like the quickness of the graphics!
I didn´t read this thread (except for the first post) just to give you a fresh critique.
I like the design. I think it was well executed, and well organized.
But i think that this concept is kindaof old, and you could change the colors too.
This kind of layout is very used, and someone with an incredible tallent, like you, can create a new concept and style of navigation.
That is what i expect of you at least
*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**I didn´t read this thread (except for the first post) just to give you a fresh critique.
I like the design. I think it was well executed, and well organized.
But i think that this concept is kindaof old, and you could change the colors too.
This kind of layout is very used, and someone with an incredible tallent, like you, can create a new concept and style of navigation.
That is what i expect of you at least **
wow Guigo, that is a very impressive critique, you’re getting harder to please now. hahah Well like I stated, this was pure experimental so it’s just for fun, hopefully I’ll pull something else out of my sleves that would impress you.
350z: The girl that was on my old splash page was pure Photoshop. Her hair was created using the wire tutorial found on =)