Site Check

Here is something I have been working with.
Its a website for a 3d graphics and film produktion company.
Dont care about the broken links and the text its in swedish !!
What do you think about the design ?

Reaction Film

Oh, wow! I really like it!

Pretty good, but that frog in the backgruond looks very similar to a picture I’ve seen on Kajinku site.
Maybe that’s just me, but your layout is very very dark.
Some more animation for buttons would be nice.

Yeah , maybe a little bit dark, but they told me to use
dark colors. Hmm some more light will anyway do well, thanks.
Havent seen that other site you were talking about, the frog is
a graphic they designed for a projekt.

I like your layout, it’s looks really nice, a bit dark though…

i like it and think its great but could use a higher fps, looks a tad slow

Made it less dark !

the site is great i like the design…
take the scrooler away and center it … will look nicer .

i like the site a lot. The frog is cool, and layout is easy to follow.

on the other hand, here’s a few things that bothered me.

  1. why do you load and reload the basic framing of the content
    every section? It looks great on entry, but I don’t really think it
    needs to be there for every click.

  2. I’m not sure whre you added color, but I honestly think you
    should add some more.

  3. is the grey bar up and down all the way to left on purpose? It
    makes it look as though the page is messed up and off-center.

  4. This might be a bit picky, but I couldn’t find the “music off”
    button right away. I’m not sure what to suggest exactly, but
    making it a bit more obvious would be great. Maybe, try making
    the buttons do something when the mouse goes over.

All in all, I think this site is well done! Good work, and good luck
with the rest of it. =)

its ok…
rating: 70%