Export In first frame. Sounds and preloaders


I am making a flash movie that needs to be flash 5 compatible (using mx) I need to add a sound file that will play at a certain point in the movie. Is there a way to import the sound file and use a preloader? At the moment it is ignoring the preloader as I have export in first frame set to true. (The way I have done it wont work if this is not set).


Since you are publishing it to Flash 5, you have to place your preloader and sound on a separate SWF file. And instead of loading the sound directly( like in MX) you load the SWF.

Either that or load your sound before it gets used.

I would create a junk frame on the frame right after your preloader, then drag the instance of your sound out of the library and onto that frame. Then have your preloader script jump past that frame and play your movie (which will start on the frame after your junk frame). This way your preloader preloads the sound before it has to get used, and you will be able to uncheck the “Export to First Frame” option in the linkage settings :wink:

That is also a nice alternative but then it will add to the file size of the main movie.

Hey lost, what hapend to your one-liner footer? :slight_smile:
How did you do that Fallen Zero text? :slight_smile:

It will add the same amount of file size no matter how you add it.

If you load it from the library with “export to first frame” checked, it will add that much delay.

If you load it in via loadMovie() you still have to load it… so why not just throw it in and save the extra work?

My one liner footer was 3k too big, rules are rules. It was only too big because I had to embed the font, and frankly, it looked horrid with a standard font like Arial or Verdana. So I scrapped it :frowning:

As for the fallen zero text… that’s a mod secret :evil:

Yeah you still have to load it but your movie would be much faster since your are diving the big file size into small bite size pieces! Just like if you want to place a big jpg image you want to slice it up into small sqaures! :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the fallen zero text… that’s a mod secret


Yeah you still have to load it but your movie would be much faster since your are diving the big file size into small bite size pieces! Just like if you want to place a big jpg image you want to slice it up into small sqaures!

It’s smaller pieces, but since the information is going to be accessed no matter what it will still be the same load amount.

It would be different if it were an option to have the sound or not because then it could load, or it couldn’t load. But in this case you will have the same amount of loading time (in 2 files) that you would in 1 big file, only everything would load at once instead of 1 thing loading then having to wait a bit more while the 2nd thing loads :wink:

Ay! oh I get it now! He wanted the sound to play at a specified frame. I was thinking that he’ll leave it to the users to load the sound or not! Stupid me! :slight_smile:

Sorry sensei!


Ahhh, ok, it’s completely understandable how you were thinking. If it were a users option of sound on/off loading it in seperately would be better because then it isn’t forced to load. So with that thinking your solution would have been perfect :slight_smile:

You’re not stupid, just a simple misunderstanding of the situation :slight_smile: It happens to me more than I can count :stuck_out_tongue:

PS: I am no sensei…lol

lol :slight_smile: You’re sensei since you taught me about easing movement in actionscript remember! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ohhh yeahhhh, I forgot about that…lol.

Psst: I think we thread hijacked :!: :trout:

lol yeah! end transmission! krrrkkkkk over! :stuck_out_tongue: