Exporting as .EXE (projectors)

Say I have a flash movie with 3 sections. If I export the level 0 movoie (main movie) as .EXE, and have the other 2 sections .swf files in the same folder, everything works fine. Is there a way to have all 3 sections in 1 .EXE file?? Of will I have to remake the flash movie so it only uses 1 movie instead of 3?

and finally, is there a way to specify the projector window size (After double clicking the .exe file) because the window is maximizable.


Well I doubt I am much help, but I don’t think that you can have all three seperate swf’s in one exe.
The exe is basically to lauch the flashplayer and then it will load the other swf’s as you have told it.
The only way would be to put them all in one swf…but I could be wrong. I am a not an expert by any means, so if there is a way I would like to know also :beam:
Good Luck!

oh I forgot…the way to set the window size is to use the fscommands ie:
fscommand(“allowscale”, “false”);
fscommand(“showmenu”, “false”);
fscommand(“fullscreen”, “true”);

allowscale false - will not let the window be resized
showmenu false - hides menu
fullscreen - true - will automatically set the swf to full screensize
of the screen being played on.

I am not saying these are the best settings for you…you might only need one of them…or a combonation to get the result you want.
It sounds like you might want to hide your menu and set fullscreen and allowscale to false…

=) hope this is helpfull…

hmm, there is no way to have it in a window the same size as the movie? and have that window lose its maximizing capability?’


I am not sure what you mean have it in a window the same size as the movie…the movie size regulates the “window” size unless you maximize it. Right?
Anyway- hope that you get what need :bounce:

yea i wanted to kill the maximize button
i figured out what i wanted to a point, found out i need a 3rd party program to do what i want

thx for ur help though! :slight_smile:

:beam: You’re Welcome!