i have swift 3d version2. I have a small animation (revolving cube) that is done in swift 3d. Instead of getting as a swf file, I need to get it as frames that can be imported directly in flash.
Can we import the frames in flash. If swift 3d deosn’t do it, which software will do it… i heard 3d studio will do, is it correct?
I need to import revolving cube (pallet) in flash. am attaching the swf file generated in swift 3d.
Also, how can i change the color of the cube? can we add our own imported bitmap to revolve??
In flash, just go to file/import, and select pallet.swf. this will give you all the frames, you don’t need to do anything special. probably best to create a new MC called pallet and import into this. I don’t have Swift in front of me, but choose ‘materials’ or something like that. just drag the colour you want onto your cube.
I got the export!!
but I need to draw something of my own inside the cube. I want cones to be stacked inside the cube and show such as way that the pallet (with cones) are revolving in the same manner.
How can I do this? does 3d studio allow this to do?
PLease see the attached photo (i want the cones to be shown as revolving)
tricky, still don’t have Swift in front of me, but you can create cones like that if you choose the ‘cone’ primitive and fiddle with the object settings. you could copy and paste it. a bit time consuming but once you’ve done one layer, you could copy/paste the whole layer. If you grouped everything they would rotate as one.
I’ve never used 3d studio, but I’m sure it could be done in that too.