Exporting Sounds to Frame 2

Hey! I made a thread about this over on ultrashock and nobody seemed to know the answer, so maybe Kirupa knows! It’s like this, I’ve got a music file in the library of my flash, and I want to play it using ActionScript. So far so good, so I go into properties of the music file and check for it to export for actionscript, and export it to frame 1. But what I’ve noticed is that then the music file loads BEFORE the preloader, so the preloader doesn’t show up in this relatively small flash until it’s at the very end. Before that it just seems like the flash isn’t working cause nothing shows up. But if I uncheck "“export to frame 1”, the sound won’t play at all! So what I’m wondering is how I export the sound to actionscript AFTER the preloader graphic has been loaded.

and here’s the code.

music = new Sound(this)
music.start(0, 1)

Thanks for any help!