Streaming music

on my site i am making a music bar but using my own tracks,

the thing is if i import it into the Library when i load them with the site because i have 4 and there like 3-5mgs each that is to big for a 56k and maybe a cable.

what would be the best way to make it so they stream and not load with the main movie

or if theres a better way i would be greatful for the help.:smirk:

You might wanna try putting them in external swfs. You’ll have complete control of loading them then.

Hey, i once had the smae problem. The answer is you must use the loadmovie command! Its a must! Just research that command if you dont know jow to use it. Basically each song must be there own swf, then on your main swf, you have a button that has the action on relaes loadmovie “yoursong.swf”. I am still learning, but thats how i do it…and its the best way…see my example at my jukebox is on the bottom. Hope i helped ya

also a quick search of streaming sound:

thanks alot everyone.

ebodykool i like your idea but because i have broadband i can’t tell if it loaded all at once or if it is streamed.

thanks alot i got what i needed:crazy: