External swf interaction help

Ok so I have my main swf and another swf in “/tools/FrameJumper.swf”

In my main swf I have a movieclip container on the stage “myContainer” and when I click a button it loads that “FrameJumper.swf” into that container. Now in that “FrameJumper.swf” I have a txt box and a button.

here is the code on that button


that is the only code in that entire swf.

Here is the code on the button in my main.swf

loadMovie("tools/FrameJumper.swf", "myContainer");

What I am trying to do is make a tool for switching frames without having to recreate it for every project I make. What the problem is that it doesn’t jump frames when I click the button. And suggestions why?

I thought by having the gotoAndStop function referenced to _root that it would work in any swf I loaded it in to. Do i need to use the _lockroot in the external swf or main swf? Do I even need _lockroot? What could cause this to not function?

Can an external swf even interact with the parent swf?