External swf - movieclip not functioning in main movie

I have loaded an external swf into an empty movie clip in my main movie.
Movie clip works fine when I test the external swf by itself. Once I test the main movie and load the ext. swf file the movie clip stops working.

This movie clip will act as a button. It is a small folder tab that will move up once clicked and move down when it is clicked again.
Will changing the _root to _parent work?


AS for the movieclip:

onClipEvent (load) {
speed = _root.variSpeed;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dotclicked) {
targetY = 340;
Ydiff = targetY-_root.dot._y;
_root.dot._y += Ydiff/speed;
_root.dotclicked == false;