I made a site that loads swf files (woaw! ;)) but the swfs work if i test them alone but not when I test them in the “head”-swf.
If I make a link in a movie clip in a swf that has to be loaded, I did it with _root.gotoAndPlay(“Labelname”), does it have anything to do with the _root?
I used to photogallery from the tut, you can only see the photo, so no buttons or my background (strange)
I attached a file, you can see photogallery.swf(the swf that has to be loaded in main.swf) works perfect alone.
The link in movieclip and photgallery don’t work if you load the photogallery in main.swf)
I dunno what can I say to ya, except that this is working perfectly for me. I didn´t even touched your fla, just tested the SWFs, and they´re just fine!
the problem must be on your machine.
Try installing a newer version of the flash plugin, or, reinstalling the flash with new patches:-\ maybe it helps.
photogallery.swf works perfect but i tested it on 4 pc’s, the main.swf loads the photogallery.swf but the button in the movieclip in photogallery.swf doesn’t work anymore. you can click a normal link to end up at the next frame in photogallery.swf and you can only see the first picture of the gallery so no buttons, title…
im having the same exact problem loading the movie into my main movie and the loaded movie’s buttons not working. i read the article about global variables, but i am still having trouble understanding this. can any explain the use of global variables a little more, as far as using it in this situation. thanks.