External SWF's

i’ve been working on this project, and i’ve been using external swf’s to navagate thru my project. i started working on it, and everything was good, but i notcied that when i was navagting around the project, it was starting to get really slow with the aniamtions.

the way that i had it set up was this:

i had a file called “home.swf” that held a movie clip called “container”, and then i would load everything thru that.
then i put that same “container” movie clip on my other swf’s, and scripted it out so that other swf’s could load thru the “container” MC on those pages.
that is what i was doing, and i was thinking that was good, but it’s making my animations run slow.

i was scripting everything out like this for the navagation on the buttons:

on (press) {
on (release) {

i really don’t know what’s causing this problem.

my question is do i need to not have the “contianer” MC on each one of my swf pages?

and how do i go about fixing it so it won’t make my stuff bog down?

here what i have done so far:


not all of the pages work just yet (i’m still working on it), but if you click thru the pages “print”, “apparel”, “promotions”, all the ones that are on the top of the white center area, you can see what i’m talking about.

anything will help!!!