Externals .swf not loading Html page

Hey all

Seems like ages since i posted, been busy working on some websites on the side as well as working full time.

Anywayz the problem I m getting is that I have completed a flash website , using target loadMovie methods to load each section of the site, everything is working fine when run from the .swf file, though when I place it in a Html page (made in dreamweaver) it seems it dosent want to load the external movies !

I really have no idea why it would be any different, the pathing of the files have not change because i basically dropped all the swf’s into the root of my webspace.

Does any one know why this is happening?, is there a way I can fix it??


make sure you are using lower case, and don’t mix upper and lower case together, beause you will encounter some problems when its uploaded.

Also try changing the name of the file to something diffrent. I had the same problem, and soon as i changed the name for some strange reason it worked!

You going to ball or u 2 busy? =)

ah k , ill give them a go, yeah might be going to ball, if i can get this working before i leave. Got all CDP stuff to do as well.

*Originally posted by Dave *
**Also try changing the name of the file to something diffrent. **

what you mean by changing the name of the file to something different? you talking about the main or the external swfs?

Worked it out dude, basically the html page with the flash movie nested was in its own folder and so when i was calling the main from this particular html page it wouldnt be able to find the externals , because the address is pathed to this folder but my swf’s where at the root of my site, so i got rid of the folder and put everthing on the root. !! :wink:

Looks like i can go to ball !!!