Extrem right

I’m making an analyse about the rise of extrem-right groups/political parties.

I like to know how this is noticed in other country.

In belgium there is “Het Vlaams Blok” with chairman Filip DeWintere
the netherlands have “Lijst Pimfortuyn” with chairman ??
Germany has the DVU with Gerhard Frey
France has “Le front national” with JP Le Pen
Italie has “Forza Italia” With berlusconi and Lega Nord with Umberto Bossi
Austria has the FPÖ with Jurg Haider
Norway has Carl Hagen
Switzerland has Blocher and the SVP

I’d like to know more about the right extremist in the middle east also known as “The Grey Wolves”?
And does GB and America have extrem right parties? Wich?
America has the KKK…

Any other countries?