Swiss say latest Bin Laden tape a fake

No, it was true, man, how ya thought it was’nt? :cyclops:

Who you gonna trust the Swiss or the CIA? Swiss are only good at cheese, skiing, and pocket knives :). Europeans for some reason always like to gang up against the U.S. and say how we are wrong.

I’m not saying this isn’t true, but I would like to see this from another lab, other than US and Swiss…

I don’t trust the Swiss…

as a rule in general and with all circumstances notwitheld…



Well, am not political enough to know why u don’t trust Swiss, someone explain that for me (a Political n00b). :o

I’m not political either. Its just every time the U.S. says “we think we have bin ladens voice” or “we believe bin laden masterminded the attack” one or more European countries comes out and says how we’re wrong or we’re too quick to point the finger. They’re anti-US it seems like so I’m anti-European. Like the french, they have about 15 people in their army and yet when we want to go to war and have the UN backing (99% of UN troops are American) they vote no because its an oil war. WTF, not like they’d lose anybody from their country, they’re just anti-whateverUSwants.

Ya i know, i exagerrate. But you do realize that the UN is like 80% America and most of the armor and carriers and planes are ours. The french really don’t have a reason to be against a war, especially when Saddam doesn’t even have to cross an ocean to set a nuke off in their country.

To sum up why I don’t like European governments -
**accused terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden **
Hes practically said he did it many times, yet since we say he did, they say he didn’t.

look at the history of a “neutral” gov’t

they have a great aptitude to create and sell the arms a lot of the rest of the world use to blow each other up with…

they have a great aptitude to create a space to bank money, then conveniently forget to tell anyone that it is there, after the depositor is found to have gotten the money illegally…

and finally…

When was the last time you heard anything from the Swiss about authenticating voices on audio tapes? I did not know that they were a forunner in this field…

again, my distrust is purely personal, and stems from personal experience, and should not be taken seriously… :stuck_out_tongue:


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**look at the history of a “neutral” gov’t

they have a great aptitude to create and sell the arms a lot of the rest of the world use to blow each other up with…

they have a great aptitude to create a space to bank money, then conveniently forget to tell anyone that it is there, after the depositor is found to have gotten the money illegally…

what? please tell me more

I’m with Rev… but also with Phil

for the record… I’m 1/4 swiss… I have no reason to badmouth my own people… but we Swiss have proven ourselves to be unethical, and bias in the past.

That article doesn’t even tell us what tests they used to determine their conclusions.

As for trusting the CIA/FBI/NSA. . . well that’s just silly. They too have proven themselves liars time and time again, and they have everything to gain in having the American population believe BL is alive.

ah well.

PS Hey Phil… ever read Nostradamus? Look into his prophesy on the “Lion of the East”. You might the corilation with Sadam pretty interesting.

i read somewhere Nostradamus was an Illuminati member and thats why all his “predictions” come true…does that make sense?

as far as I’ve seen, very few of his predictions came true at all. The Myan people had a higher success record… and they were discribing things half a planet away, and 2000 years in their future. If you ‘fiddle’ with Nostra’s writings you can come up with some predictions that are accurate, but that’s not an accurate prediction. Heck if I threw a monkey on a typewriter I could come up with predictions that had to be fiddled with to be correct. It’s all fine and good to think that he was trying to hide his predictions from people, but that’s just too easy an excuse to use after the fact.

so all in all… I don’t hold much in Nostra’s works… BUT I do find them fun to read and speculate on.

I believe the prediction of the “lion of the east” describes something about a man rising up in the Middle East, three times before hailing in WWIII. By my count, Saddam has sort of risen three times now. Definitely check it out yourselves though… it’s been a long time since I read any of those.

hmm, i think you misunderstood me. i read somewhere nos was a member of an evil organization bent on ruling the world simply because they think they are superior, the Illuminati. So nos is a member, and a respected one even in normal world so they they think “hey, why not make him seem like a prophet”
so now there are people out there who believe he was a prophet type and they “use” his predictions to fool people. this is what i read somewhere :slight_smile:


In your vision, is he wearing a blue hat?



*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
doesn;t this have a wag the dog type feel to it, when looked at logically?


so you have seen the movie now? :cool: gr8 m8

If indeed this is a “wag the dog” situation, who was behind september 11th then?

scary thought… really scary… :-\