Belgium striked today

Sorry to say this, but you guys must have heard about it already: The Belgians blocked the attack! (With the help of france and Germany ofcourse)

Now what do you think about it? I think they’re right. I think the veto-thing was good…

blocked what attack…?

Duh, hello?? Do you live in an other world? In Denmark perhaps?

Didn’t you heard? Belgium blocked the plans of the NAVO.

Wait I’m searching an articel about it.

Should be around here:

in Belgium almost evrebody said like: Wow this morgen when they heard. Belgium dares…:stuck_out_tongue:

Duh, hello?? Do you live in an other world? In Denmark perhaps?

:hair: actually i live in my Den not Denmark…i don’t like news it just depresses me… :beard: i like LOR …i wish i was a wizard!!! MAKE ME A DAM WIZARD!!! DAM YOU ALL MAKE ME A WIZARD

Turkey is our little butt-buddy over in the gulf. We’ve been arming them for the past few years, and if the past is any indication, they will be our next enemy.

There seems to be a trend of attacking the people that we armed in the previous decade…

maj, i thought we werent all that great with turk after WWI

Im not an expert on our past relationship with them, but i have read that we sell them planes, and bombers, and all sorts of military goodies… They are going to be our ally much the way Saudi Arabia was during the, ‘Persian Gulf Distraction’ of '91.

the Saudi’s jacked Rockafella for his claims to Saudi Oil, so you can bet there will be retaliation for that move…

i even read an article about how, suposedly, turkish bombers are allowed to blow up the kurds in the northern iraqi no fly zone, while american troops turn off their radar, and ‘look the other way’.

Horrible things happen on the other side of the world, and all we have to go on is what our government tells us. How nice… :flower:

According to my copy of the Evening Standard last night, it was the French who vetoed America’s plans for war.

Either way, France or Belgium, well done lads. :slight_smile:

I’m proud to be belgian right now…

but I don’t really get it. We vetoe the war and we let the americans
use our harbours to ship all the artillery to the region:s


No offense to anyone here…but Belgium couldnt stop a girl scout with down syndome from moaning in public…let alone the the US from doing anything it wants to do.


is it that approach you are looking for Fester?
At least we pull our heads out of our arses and TRY to do something…

Calm yourslef son…

it was a joke…

We do that <b>ALOT</b> here in Kirupaville.

I am a fan of Belgium…especially the waffles.


You’re right, Belgian nor France stopped anything. I also believe there will be war out there, I just think it was nice from Belgium to dare challeging america… America the giant was stopped a bit by the little country Belgium.

Hey you like those waffles too? Cool, I more like the chocalate

You belgian too? :whistle:
