
w00t! i got one. ITs cool :slight_smile: You can be a boxing king , launch ufos and kick some some butt kung-foo stylee. (and you can clean windows… :thumb: )

dont know what i am talking about? [u]Then click here![/u]

Cool :slight_smile:

Yeah, cool. :slight_smile:

Could be funny to watch too. :wink:

its REALLY funny to watch. You look at the screen and it seems normal. You got the game, you got your friend on the screen - it looks fine.

THEN you turn around and just watch your friend. No screen. No game. Just some great idiot prancing around the room like he is having a fit :slight_smile:

Entertainment doesn’t get much better than that! It also makes a good party game…

i have the same games on my webcam, plus a basketball game.
really cool to play with…

*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**i have the same games on my webcam, plus a basketball game.
really cool to play with… **

sweet! whats the software called? which webcam you got? I might try and get it…

The timming seemed a little off when they where playing.