Webcam is online

lookie lookie my webcam is online

wanna check what i am doing now.
It update’s every 60 sec. but the site is set on 30 so you would miss a thing.

This is a test so don’t look at the lay-out.
my site is here
so i’ll probally make a pop-up or something.

I see you <!<

I thought u are a girl ;(

*Originally posted by Blastboy *
**I see you <!<

I thought u are a girl ;( **
roflmao, hope you never flirted with him. . . . .

wow… 30 seconds and he didn’t move a muscle :stuck_out_tongue:

He always sucks on his fingers. . . . .


Rofl thanks 4 critezizing me

But I art always like that on the pc. (nail bitting)

And no i ain’t a girl. Idiot…

that is soooooooooo awesome!
think u could give me a copy of that kab software? :slight_smile:

get it
30 day trial

T-O where are you from? You look like a kid I know.

so u mean ull only have it up for 30 days?!?!?!

that cam software stinks…

windows media encoder is 100 times better

I am Theo From Holland. Zuid-Holland, Now resident in Rotterdam

:p: nee i say more

bans T-O

:stuck_out_tongue: j/k

come on it’s not that bad.
is it?

haha, thought he was a girl too

hey T-O

Yow brow wtf are u talking about.

I thought u are a girl because ur “COOL” avatar is a girl, thats why I thought you was a girl.

and please dont call somebody an idiot.
you talk like a girl also

:scream: :scream:

Don’t start a fight, you don’t want to have to see Dan regulate your asses! :evil:

Hey, look a that! You’re a guy! :wink: