No problem. I’m not familiar with using scenes, but I think what I am saying will work.
The “sound” swf will not be a separate movie in the html page, it will be a loaded movie that will sit in a level above your main movie.
Let’s say that your main flash movie is called main.swf. This would be the content movie where you have the scenes architecture. Go ahead and create a movieclip for your sound buttons like the tutorial you mentioned, but just create the buttons and place them where you want (don’t code it yet). You just want to place the graphics where they should appear.
Once that is done, take the graphics, or movieclip of the sound graphics and cut them from the main.fla and place them into a new flash file. Make sure to save and name the new file something meaningful, say sound.fla.
Now you can go ahead and code the new sound.fla as in the tutorial. If you do this correctly, then the sound.swf should work just like the tutorial.
Once that is working, you’ll go back to the main.fla and place the code
loadMovieNum("sound.swf", 5);
in a blank keyframe in your “actions/labels” layer in the main.fla. I don’t know about scenes but I think it will work fine in the first keyframe of the movie.
Now, if you want the sound controls to be hidden and appear when a user clicks a sound or audio button, just make the sound.fla controls into a movieclip that has two frames, each with stop(); action. Place the sound graphics off stage in the first frame and have the “sound toggle” in the main.fla tell the sound.fla to _level5.audio_mc.goAndStop (2); (for example).
If you go to my site, you’ll see what I mean, just click the audio link and my “jukebox” will appear. Then click the close button or the audio link to close it. Now when you reopen it, it is still at the same volume and settings that you had selected beacuse it’s just a two frame movieclip in a loaded. It is not very sophisticated but I understand how to do this (barely).
If you want more details, just ask and I’ll post the fla on my site so you can get and take a look at it. It took me forever to figure this stuff out and I am glad to have finally found some really good resources like this forum. Sometimes it just feels like you are beating your head against the wall (sometimes!?! how 'bout most times!?!)