[F5]dooh! For Actionscript Guru! Beginner needs help!

Hello! I have a problem to make the “camera” move forward instead of just stand still, without conflicting the names variables. I would be so happy if someone could help me! ’

the code for the scene is:

// register root as environment
Object.environment = this;

// create camera object
this.cam = {x:0, y:0, z:400, dx:0, dy:0, dz:-400};

// set environmental constants
this.fl = 1000;

// create 'space' to which all words will be attached
// center 'space' on the stage

// a string of words related to the wind
this.somewords = "Fabian Brunnström, Mattias Jonson, Daniel Tjernström, Tomas Holmström, Nick Gross, Rice Hanson, Christian Blood, Pontus Avant";
// convert the string of words into an array of words
this.wordList = new Array();
this.wordList = this.somewords.split(",");

// create one instance for each word in the list
for (n=0;n<this.wordList.length;n++) {
    // pick a word from the list
    var word = Object.environment.wordList[n];
    var x = random(555)-277.5;
    var y = random(512)-256;
    var z = random(Object.environment.fl*2)-Object.environment.fl;
    // create an instance of the SpaceWord object
    nombre = "word"+String(depth++);
    initialization = {txtword: word, x: x, y: y, z: z};
    space.attachMovie("spaceWord", nombre, depth, initialization);

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
    // move the camera to its destination


it calls the movieclip spaceWord who has as code

// constructor
function SpaceWord() {
    // set up button functionality
    this.btnSquare.onPress = function() {
        // push the camera towards the word by setting destination just a bit in front
        Object.environment.cam.dx = this._parent.x;
        Object.environment.cam.dy = this._parent.y;
        Object.environment.cam.dz = this._parent.z+Object.environment.fl*.9;
        // disable and hide button
        this.enabled = false;
        this._visible = false;
    // set continual function to render word
    this.onEnterFrame = this.render;
// allow SpaceWord to inherit MovieClip properties
SpaceWord.prototype = new MovieClip();
// instance methods
SpaceWord.prototype.render = function() {
    var zActual = Object.environment.fl+this.z-Object.environment.cam.z;
    // has the object moved behind the camera?
    if (zActual>0) {
        // object is still visible
        // calculate scale
        var scale = Object.environment.fl/zActual;
        // set position using camera as an offset
        this._x = (this.x-Object.environment.cam.x)*scale;
        this._y = (this.y-Object.environment.cam.y)*scale;
        // set size
        this._xscale = scale*100;
        this._yscale = scale*100;
        // set fog
        this._alpha = 100 - 99 * zActual/Object.environment.fl*.5;
    } else {
        // object has moved behind camera
        // reposition further down the line
        this.z += Object.environment.fl*2;
        // enable button
        this.btnSquare.enabled = true;
        this.btnSquare._visible = true;
SpaceWord.prototype.setWord = function(s) {
    this.txtWord = s;
SpaceWord.prototype.setPosition = function(x, y, z) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.z = z;
// Connect the class with the linkage ID for this movie clip
Object.registerClass("spaceWord", SpaceWord);

this is a old spacetext from Jared Tarbell