Please forgive my ignorance if this is a simple problem. I worked around it, but I still wonder what I was doing wrong.
I setup a movie as 5 different scenes. The first scene is the loading animation that sends the user to scene 2 when it’s loaded, and then scenes 2-5 can be switched between with 4 buttons in each scene. These for buttons are on the root timeline and they work fine switching between scenes. But, I have a different button inside a mc on the root timeline that I want coded to load the next scene, but it won’t work. I tried nextScene();, gotoAndStop(“the_scene_name”,1);, _root.nextScene();, and other combinations, all to no avail. But, if I put that same code in a button on the root timeline, works perfect.
What am I doing wrong? I’m sure it’s simple, but I couldn’t find a solution in Help or the manual. Also, is it better to setup something like this as different scenes, or as separate movies?
Thanks much!