It’s just a website full of photos of faces, but they inspire me so much. They were all taken from the very same spot over the period of one year. None are set up, they’re just snapshots as people walked into the frame :beam:
I find them fascinating, I want to know what they’re thinking, where they’re going, what’s troubling them. Every one of them inspires me! Maybe my creative juices are flowing a little too freely Just walk on by, ignore me :}
“Portraying various versions of pensive melancholic sentiments. They are real people and the expressions caught are equally real. People carry their feelings visibly and how often you tend not to notice it.”
if you bought dipi, you’d go to jail for solicitation of a prostitu…
anyways, pretty cool site. Kinda fun trying to think what some of them were thinking about while walking along. Especially the guy with his arms in the air. That must be one bad itch he was reaching for.
Soul, that is a fantastic site, thanks for sharing I understand your joy in voyerism
Looks a little fake, but then again why would it exist if it wasn’t real? (Besides, if you were having your photo taken and knew about it, would you REALLY pull the faces that those giuys were?)