Fade Grid

hi again :smiley:

could you tell me please how can i do a grid that is faded, let me explain, is a grid i’ve seen, but in different areas, it has less alpha than others-.

like this one

and how can i embeed my flash movie on it,
do i have to cut the image or what?


Well that site you’re looking at is sitting inside a table surrouded by the grid graphics which was probably made in photoshop.
Here’s a tutorial that will show you how to make the grid and to get the fade effect I would use the eraser in photoshop. Click one end of the grid and shift click the other end and it will give you an even line of fade. Hope it helps. =)


http://www.eberthdesigns.com/Reborn/index.htm =)

Lol that looks a lot better than what you had before, I dont know about the snow effec, but atleast it’s different. hahaha good job. =)

hahaha, that was an experiment, it wont be there on the final version

well master:bad: , i’d better go to bed now
see ya tomorrow
and thanks for everything:P

What did yo umake the blue abstract BG with?

3dstudio max 5

EBerth, how did you get the drawing line effect? i have been looking all over for it!

i made it with some masks and tweening

gradient mask in photoshop will give you the faded area you desire. Or airbrush mask.

Sorry you already had a solution…should have kept reading.:o

darn i was hoping for somthing maybe along the lines of code, i am not all that great with masks…