This might be a stupid question, but im still pretty new. How can i make a grid in Photoshop that smoothly fades to transparent, something like the top picture here
Any help is much appreciated, thanks
This might be a stupid question, but im still pretty new. How can i make a grid in Photoshop that smoothly fades to transparent, something like the top picture here
Any help is much appreciated, thanks
Well they teach you how to make the grid in the tutorial, so do that:)
Then the next step would be to use the marquee tool and select the part you want to fade out, then go to Select/Feather (I believe that is it) the select the amount. Then hit delete the selection. This will cause some fading.
I hope this helps, this is a very basic form, but it works:)
Awesome, it worked great…god this forum is great. w00t
Glad I could help=)
Actually lost, that’s not a basic form, i do it all the time!!
It’s the easiest way really. The gradient tool sometimes gives you weird colors when fading to tranparent…
Nice one lost!
Thanks I while back I wrote an Action that produced the effect because I used to use the fade out effect a lot, but my Photoshop got screwed up somehow and I had to remove it. So I don’t have that Action anymore:(
Maybe I should remake it, I don’t know, I don’t use the effect as much anymore. I think I could just do it by hand.
I don’t use actions… I’d rather have the procedures in my head.
Although I LOVE styles…
I don’t use Actions unless I write them myself. Sometimes I don’t feel like doing effects over and over so I write the action and use that.
Styles are great and you can come up with some really nice effects with them… like in my phio miral wallpaper right eilsoe:)
About that, I wanted to place something on the left side… just dunno what, and i changed yer bubbles to an aqua style instead, with a “big” color dodged glow…
looks weird…
Weird is cool in my book =)
yeah, check my post “What grids can look like” in the “Drawing and design” threads…
THAT looks weird… notice how the grid pattern fits perfectly with a mosaic render…!
I replied to that thread
did ya…?
Hmm, must check it then…
You checked it… now I am just spamming
::::runs away:::
Man you’re weird too…
:::::runs away too::::: (HA!)
:::runs away again::::::
:::evil chuckle in background:evil: :::
::::runs like h*ll::::
:::::evil laughter scares peasants:::::
Well fine, if you want to play like that…
:::Runs and ducks behind a building in a dark alley, gets mugged by some thugs:::
:::evil chuckle is still heard, but is much fainter than before:::
::::eerie laughing is heard briefly, then a loud choking sound::::
::::mistyfying silence covers the land::::
That isn’t fair. I don’t know trig like that.
:::weeps in corner:::
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