Fading Text for site Intro

Hey guys, I am trying to make Fading Text for my flash intro and this is my problem.

Once I finish the text tweens and press play, the text either is already showing or if I move the layers under the background they won’t show at all. I did the Alpha 0%-100% and it won’t work :frowning: I am just really bad at flash, doing something wrong, stupid or all of the above? Thanks (-:

if you’re using dynamic text you need to embed the font or it won’t work :-\

that might be your problem …

Yes I am using dynamic text, but you lost me at “embed” (looks for dunce cap smiley) :trout:

to embed the font outline …

select your text field. in the properties panel click on a button that says character… … then select the option that better suits your needs :wink:

Omg it works! Finally I did something right. I guess Kax gets a little credit, hehe thanks a lot! :slight_smile:


no problem =)