I did this before and it worked perfecty…
I want text to fade in and out on Flash MX…
I just drop the Alpha to zero in the beging of the tween and back to 100% after… my images fade fine… but my text just appears and disappears HELP!!
I did this before and it worked perfecty…
I want text to fade in and out on Flash MX…
I just drop the Alpha to zero in the beging of the tween and back to 100% after… my images fade fine… but my text just appears and disappears HELP!!
I can’t see your file as I don’t have flash on this box but this comes to mind:
Check your tween line in the layer, dotted line = no tween.
your text and your img should be on sepparate layers so there is no confusion between the two (tween success).
try converting your text to a symbol first - but if you want to edit later, you’ll have to start over
I did all that! It just pops up! Instead of fading! My images fade fine… can the font have enything to do with it?
Also , when I play the movie in flash (by hitting enter) it works fine…!
Make the text a symbol and use the motion tweening.
Yes , I do all that… hmm okay let me get the file…
hmm… okay… it wont let me attach a swf. file…
this is getting strange…
Okay, just take a look at the screenshot of my fading files… looks okay to me…
Instead of using the dynamic property of the text field, use the static property for the text field.
Thanks guys… here is the litle flash
I did it for my girl freind:
confirmation pls…was it the dynamic vs static designation (???)
…that would make sense given all the other eliminations…
Yes it was… I never had that problem come up before…
any reason now?
…do you have ghosts ??? :!:
…or I.S.D.S.… InadvertantSubliminalDeselctionSyndrome
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