Favorite commercial?

what is your favorite commercial on tv. my favorite commerical is all of the ones that budwizer makes.:beam:

My all-time favorite commercial is the VW Passat commercial that aired last year where the guy parks his Passat and walks away… and you see a shopping cart rolling towards the car… then out of nowhere the guy tackles the cart just before it hits his car… :slight_smile:

so funny…

my fav comercial is the comercial for the ford focus. You see a CG car, rally style, driving throught he desert and like all the decals melt off. it was the coolest effect i ever saw.

The budweiser battlebots commercial. “The Fridge”, this small little refrigerator takes on this huge robot with fire and saws and all that stuff on it. Then the fridge opens its door and the other robot sees the beer and reaches for it. Then out of no where the fridge starts pounding on the other one with this huge hammer. It was hilarious.

The funniest commercials are the ones from Ameritrade where they had Stuart:

Kirupa :beard:

the running of the squirrels…


actually nintendo gameboy had a BADASS comercial in which this huge light chandleir type thing turns into a dragon, i think it was for a zelda game, it was so cool

I used to like the “I bet he drinks Carling Black Label” adverts from a few years ago. And the Guiness one, where the guy was dancing…

My favorite was for Aiowa sound i belive it is spelled. They are a car audio company.

The comircial starts with a inside shot of a guy in a car. He puts a disc in the CD player by Queen and listens to “Another One Bites the Dust”. As he is driving he is just bobing his head and waving to cars as they go by and looking real cool while the stereo just pounds the lyrics to “another one bites the dust”.

Then they show the guy in the passanger seat giving the driver a real bad look. then they pull the camera out of the car and show he is driving a hearse in a Funeral Precesion. I laughed my *** off when i saw this comerical.

I have too many, there is a lot of good work out there.

But I can tell you the oen I think is the coolest at teh moment.

That’s by Coca Cola…with Mya and Common, I dig taht whole thing.