Favourite season?

Winter: lonely me on the winter choice… Well i live in the alps and it’s always much better with snow… Anyway I enjoy summer to for waterbased sports (ie windsurfing =)=)) but spring too cos thats the trees are blooming and everybody seems happy and girls begin to wear much less clothes :trout:

well, i should have voted autumn cos that’s the one i dont like unlike lava that’s when school starts that everything is ****ed…

*Originally posted by lava *
**I like the fall cause that’s when school starts. **

:nerd: :sure:


Summer all the way. I never had more fun then in the summers when i was in high school. Parties, girls, drinking, going to the beach, girls at the beach…etc. There is no better time in life then summer.

*Originally posted by Kajinku *
**:nerd: :sure:

:wink: **
:P, school’s cool. :thumb:

Summer, because I detest being cold… I really should move somewhere warm… =0)


i love ‘Autumn (Fall) :beam:’ … summer’s too hot, winter’s too cold and spring is too rainy :P…


Cold (Better than sweatingly hot)
Snow… Snowfights, snowmen… Etc…

winters nice… and, in the event of it actually being hot in the UK (like now for example :)) Summer can be pretty cool too… but I think Autumn has to win… my birthday is also in Autumn, which is an added bonus :thumb:

beign a november baby, i must vote for fall. and i agree with fester in the apple area. but he forgot to mention hot cider and caramel apples at the pumpkin picking places. and also, apple jack, for those cool fall nights…
fester you lush, how could you miss that?? :wink:

Summer! Definately summer! I hate winter! Summer is warm and sunny! The only thing is the insects and bugs all that kinda stuff but still SUMMER!

Very passionate about summer huh Syko? Heh :thumb:

  • Soul :s:

Summer is good. :beam: That’s when I was born, so I’m biased. :slight_smile: