Favorite Sport

Ok, I need a new sport for the time being any suggestions?

You see Baseball is my favorite sport followed closely by American Football, but that doesn’t really start for a month and a half.

And my Red Sox are horrible. They won’t make the playoffs I know and they have a great team. Oh well.

What do you guys follow? Any Sox fans feelin my pain? No Yankees talk please. My girlfriend is a fan so I have that discussion daily…

:mario: :egg: :mario:

Quake 3 - eSports are the way forward. trust me :wink:

My old roommate plays Quake. Cha0ticz i think is the spelling. It gets old. I’d like to see some melee games make it to main stream. I hate the whole learn the map shoot the rail get the points style of play.

Congrats on the new job btw.

basically i like all chicago teams except the white sox

WUSA Soccer … Hot women running around in short shorts with “unintentional” physical contact … it’s to die for

But really though, NCAA football will start in just a week now, so cool your jets cosine, you’ll get your American football fix soon enough.

Try football/soccer, it’s quite fun too :slight_smile:

Go PARIS!! :crazy:

I’m a basketball man myself…high school, college, or NBA…it’s all good :slight_smile:


Football(Soccer) sucks in the US. We have one league for men and another for women and they both suck. I think MLS is gonna go under. I used to play but I stopped when I got to college. Stopped caring too because there’s no fever over here for it, like there is everywhere else!


Sox fan!! Dissappointed but, not surprised…they always crap out near the end of the summer!

My favorite sport though is Hockey, lets hope the Bruins can step it up this year and play a lot better then last year.

I like football and baseball…I dont enjoy basketball at all.

Re: The bruins man, they didn’t inspire me at all this off season. No major acquizitions and more loss than gain.

Sigh, hockey is going down any ways, **** collective bargining is gonna cause a lock out which will drop the sport to the level of curling.

Hey - Curling is HUGE in Canada …

But I agree … the NHL can’t take a lockout. The sport will be destroyed, maybe for good.

Atheletics, i represented state and used to long and tripple jump(7 mtrs 50 cms’) my best, played soccer too right mid fielder(just a hobby tho, but loved it, still do =)) Played cricket, opening pace bowler and 2 down batsman, Body Building(doing it ever since), Table sports like Snooker( Top break of 59 ) Pool, love 8 ball and 9 ball … follow the sport very much,i suck at bowling, real bad i must tell u 5 out of 10 are gutter balls.I have tried bungee jumping & scuba diving too, it’s fun wid an empty stomuch rest i have played quake too, but i m in love wid Quake II and Half life uplink.

I would say golf or basketball are my favorites, followed very closely by baseball and hockey and then football. Basically I like most all sports :slight_smile:

Pick up Basketball ifyou are looking for something to play for the time being, it’s great outside!

*Originally posted by rere420 *
**Sox fan!! Dissappointed but, not surprised…they always crap out near the end of the summer! **

never should’ve traded The Babe…

yup… never…

Go Giants!


As a brazilian i should say: soccer


american football is pretty good

and I recently got into baseball and I have to cheer for the mets or else my g/f will beat me up…

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**I have to cheer for the mets or else my g/f will beat me up… **

same for me, but i never cheer for england, me and my gf never talks when a test series or one day tournament is takin place between india and england ( i m talking cricket )

There ya go Jaz, stick to your guns

Jubba, sorry you have to cheer for the Mets. i dont see how a world series team can go to last place in like 4 years.

Baseball and NFL football all the way. i only watch the nba during playoffs, but baseball and football its year round. plus i play baseball, and couldnt live without it.

seriosly guys i dont understand baseball and american football, bet it’s fun when u understand them, i understand rugby and kno baseball is somethin like cricket, also have a baseball bat but have used them for saveral other reasons :stuck_out_tongue: hahaha