Favourite season?

Simple… Whats your favourite time of the year? :beam:

For me its difficult, I like the warmth of summer but if it snows then I love winter. Autumn is really pretty too, its a tough choice but… Summer gets it, I like being warm and everyone seems in a better mood if its sunny :thumb:

Your turn :beam:

  • Soul :s:

I like fall. All my favorite holidays are in fall, and the air is always so crisp and fresh.

all seasons are good in my book though.

It’s close between Summer and Autumn… I love the beauty of autumn, and the warmth of summer.

I think summer clinches it because that’s when everything seems more alive. Autumn is when things seems to die…

[SIZE=1]PM Soul… :slight_smile: [/SIZE]

I like spring. There is some vacation too in spring, and the air is always so crisp and fresh. :wink:

Actually I like to watch how nature awakens from its long sleep. Birds start to sing and…erm… make babies and stuff.
Yay for spring. :beam:

summer, cos its the only warm time over in england…

Hear hear…

we get 3 months winter and nine months bad weather but when the sun shines it reminds me of my parents who both passed away last year…

happy smiley ppl…

summer 4 me…

Spring - not too hot and it rains a lot =) I don’t particulary enjoy the sun, and nothing beats a cloudy day for working on the computer!

i like spring. i hate winters here in nebraska. the weather is so unpredictable.

i love autumn, it just seems to be the most beautiful time of the year. All the plants die, only to be reborn again in the spring. It just amazes me.

I like the fall cause that’s when school starts.

I don’t know what it is but I allways seem to want another season than the one I’m in, I guess the grass is always greener.

spring :slight_smile:

not too hot, not too cold, everythings blooming and beautiful… spring break and the anticipation of the end of school for those in it… and its just plain nice.

Springs winning so far :slight_smile: None for winter yet

  • Soul :s:

i chose autumn because i have too many good memories from that period in the year (oddly enough), plus that’s the season my birthday’s on :).

Summer by far. I like hot weather, and I like not going to school. I’d prob. go winter if i lived up north where it snows, but winter in alabama just means it gets really cold without any snow. and what fun is that?

Autumn for sure. I love how you can wear shorts during the day and pants at night, the air is nice and crisp and you can play most all sports… baseball, basketball, golf, soccer, and hockey is starting up!

Plus I love the colours.

Autumn is the best, since the best sports finals in the world are in October… Go Giants…


I love the fall.

The weather for most of our autumn is perfect. You could wear shorts and a t-shirt, or pants and a long sleeve shirt no problem.

Plus in MA the leaves incredible in the fall. There is Halloween. And nothing beats the smell of burning leaves.

I am also an apple nut. So apple picking rules because you can take the apples to someone who know how to make apple crisp.

Which I might add is only allowed to be eaten in the fall.

Only with vanilla ice cream.

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**I love the fall.

The weather for most of our autumn is perfect. You could wear shorts and a t-shirt, or pants and a long sleeve shirt no problem.

Plus in MA the leaves incredible in the fall. There is Halloween. And nothing beats the smell of burning leaves.

I am also an apple nut. So apple picking rules because you can take the apples to someone who know how to make apple crisp.

Which I might add is only allowed to be eaten in the fall.

Only with vanilla ice cream. **

ditto. New England has the best fall’s and my birthday is in the end of sepember when everything is just perfect so thats one of the reasons. plus i dont get alergies! but just after fall i love winter, the cold and snow rocks. i cant stand the heat :-\ you cant really ever be comfortable, just get hotter and hotter, but in the cold you can get hot, stay hot, and if you need to, cool down.