[quote=Andy92;2338570]Thanks for all your feedback.
Also, the box is completely relevant. 125px x 125px blog ads are referred to as BOX ADS!
And a box in the front os completely relevant. Also, i havent used the box / or the font for any other logo, they have all been changed. I am just experimenting.[/quote]
Where did I leave my ban-hammer? Instead of taking our advice you start insulting us? If youâre not going to accept criticism and deny accusations (EG: Us saying the box is irrelevant.) then donât post here! Because last time I checked, this is [U]Showcase & Critiques[/U], meaning you show us your work and ask for critiques. So if youâre going to be rude and just spam us with ads, it might be time to pack up and leave.
I am putting forward a motion to add Andy92 to the Timmytots category so that we can all easily skip over anything he posts.
Stop defending your work, you know that when you post stuff up on the S&C forums that is going to be venerable. Every time I post on the S&C forums, I get slammed, I make changes, then update the results.
[quote=ajcates;2338612]Every time I post on the S&C forums, I get slammed, I make changes, then update the results.[/quote]Thatâs why we like you. :bucktooth: (At least I do.)
Thanks, hopefully soon I will be posting my personal site on S&C once I get all the bugs out of it, I just got it to work in Firefox 1.5+ instead of Firefox 3+. Also my footer still needs work.
You are right, and i am very sorry. This is for critics, and for you to show your opinions. I will make a revision and will post it back here in a while.
You are right, and i am very sorry. This is for critics, and for you to show your opinions. I will make a revision and will post it back here in a while.[/quote]
Andy92, Iâm very happy to see that youâve finally come around. :thumb: I hope that we can move onto a better relationship here and hopefully we all can help you make better logos, services, etc. To progress!