Feedback on my logo

Hey there,

I am making a new ad network which will focus directly on 125px x 125px ads. Its going to take around 7 months to develop, but here is the logo. What one do you like better and what improvements could be made?



The word mark isn’t bad, although it does see uber-trendy. I’m a little worried about the graphic on the left though. The box isn’t unique enough on it’s own, but the contrast seems pretty bad against the dark brown background on each of those. t feels like you do have something worthy of refining though.

I don’t like the font, and that little icon that you keep using as a logomark is just bad, and I fail to see the connection. It’s neither abstract enough or related enough. :td:

what does Flx mean?


Seriously, it looks like an office products logo, not the text, the box - it should have been long gone.

Yeah I’m still not understanding why you continue to post these logos without taking our critiques into consideration.

I would just go look up the thread you made before and read the same comments, it’s what people will say again here.

Yeah exactly another web2.0 savy wannabe


Just to reiterate:

  • The font sucks.

  • The box sucks and doesn’t fit in.

  • The reflection on “Coming Soon” sucks.

  • Take out the horrid gradients

  • Use a better font. (Helvetica, Blue Highway, Georgia, etc.)

  • If you’re going to include a logo/icon, make it relevant! A box is not relevant!

I hope you get banned for spamming soon, because I’m tired of you posting up image after image for critique but never make any changes or follow our advice.

Yea dude, something simple like your logo reading june / julv instead of june/july you didn’t even fix. In fact you just swap around a bunch on ugly elements instead of trying to create something new.


  • The coming soon bit is irrelevent. I put it there for the fun, its the logo i am interested in.

  • Also, i am not using the box for any other logo. Just this one.

  • Plus, how the hell is the box not relevant? Its a 125px x 125px ad network. BOX ADS! So how in hell is a box not relevant? I seriously dont get you guys sometimes.

Most people at (the logo design community) love the logo. Its just good old kirupa that say the same old thing.

Because it’s just a ****ing cardboard box, and it’s not even aesthetically appealing. It just looks like the sort of logo you’d see attached to a company selling office products. I mean really, that’s what it looks like.

um, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that box before on your other logos.


  • The coming soon bit is irrelevent. I put it there for the fun, its the logo i am interested in.

  • Also, i am not using the box for any other logo. Just this one.

  • Plus, how the hell is the box not relevant? Its a 125px x 125px ad network. BOX ADS! So how in hell is a box not relevant? I seriously dont get you guys sometimes.

Most people at (the logo design community) love the logo. Its just good old kirupa that say the same old thing.[/quote]

Alright, first off, you get no more than 1 or 2 comments per logo at LogoSauce, and they’re people making random driveby posts. Those useless comments hardly fall under the ‘love’ category. It’s not like we at Kirupa are full of negativity; people are overwhelmingly nice in the S&C forum. You’re getting bashed because you argue with feedback and refuse to implement the things that people suggest.

Every time you post a logo it’s the exact same crap. Same font, same piece of paper that you stole, same silly little swirls with badly contrasting color choices. You have a wealth of feedback to go through, how about you try taking some of it into consideration before spamming us with yet another example of the exact same thing?

We’ve made it very clear that this logo has issues. It’s cliched, clumsy, and forgettable. Go make something different.


  • The coming soon bit is irrelevent. I put it there for the fun, its the logo i am interested in.

  • Also, i am not using the box for any other logo. Just this one.

  • Plus, how the hell is the box not relevant? Its a 125px x 125px ad network. BOX ADS! So how in hell is a box not relevant? I seriously dont get you guys sometimes.

Most people at (the logo design community) love the logo. Its just good old kirupa that say the same old thing.[/quote]

I’m going to be honest here, and I don’t care if people think it’s rude- this is real life:

Dude, seriously if the advice was any clearer - you might as well get someone else to make it for you. It’s like we could kick you in the teeth and you wouldn’t even know because you are so blindly/idiotically ignorant to valuable advice.

How the hell is box not relevant? You haven’t even mentioned box in your logo’s type. Expecting people to get that really left field metaphor is ridiculous. Also every piece of media on the web (well almost every single) is square/boxed shaped, so it’s redundant…
The box doesn’t even have a link to advertising. You might as well draw a hairy nipple and say it’s relevant because the guys who run it COULD ALSO have a hairy nipple or two (or three).

You are ignoring the advice of everyone, and posting your logo without any improvements. Are you Timmytot’s lover or something? If you want appraisal over rough junk, why don’t you do post it around in your own forum? - I even notices you started copying out whole sections that these forums have and pulling them over to your own? If you are going to try to cast kirupa members as something lesser because they hate your work, why are you copying?

Also logosauce is pretty poohouse. If *regular *people who are not even designers consider it to be a pile of tosh, it kinda tells you you NEED TO COMPLETELY REWORK THIS.

Stop being childish, and take advice on the chin - or just go outside and play with some toys.

I’m still holding out that this is a really elaborate, drawn-out trolling attempt. The Kirupa clone seriously takes the cake though.

+1 for Anogar and darkmotion because they came out and said what I was thinking. (Also, nice job finding those rips, Pasquale; I laughed for 2 minutes straight after seeing them.)

Andy, we are nice people, and we are trying to help you out by critiquing the designs and logos that you throw at us. We do that everyday in S&C, and most people (Noob or not) that post stuff in S&C expect some good critiquing or some very harsh critiquing depending on the work they’ve done. You know what sets them apart from you? They actually take harsh critiques like a man, accept any errors they’ve made, and try to make them better! The only reason I keep on visiting S&C (Besides my addiction to kForum) is because 1) I like seeing what people have made and 2) I like helping them make it better. I’m pretty sure most S&C regulars share this same outlook, as does most of kForum. Which might be why kForum is rated to be one of the top design and development forums on the interwebs. Citing other forums for their behavior doesn’t hold any credence with us and definitely isn’t going to change what we say about your work. One thing I’ve learned from 2+ years at this kind and loving community is that everyone here is stubborn and opinionated. Which is what most people are like in real life. So get used to it bucko, if you want to get better, you’ll have to recognize mistakes, and move on and improve. Most everything I’ve posted in S&C has been critiqued, and I made changes according to those critiques, I made it better thanks to the advice of people like Anogar and darkmotion.

“Also logosauce is pretty poohouse.” Quote of the day right there.

OK dude, you asked for it, you’re getting it. First question, is the name set in stone or can you change it? I’m going to forget it in about 2 minutes, so I highly recommend modifying it. Don’t let your URL purchase dictate the name of your company. If the company name is ad flux, name it ad flux and use as the url. It would still be far more memorable as an abstract name, or simply flux.

Second, it’s very web 2.0, which is good an bad. Web 2.0 was yesterday’s news. Now logo’s need a bit more meaning beyond looking iconic, simple and puffy. Take the box to the next level and make something come out of it that relates to your company. If your company provides an abstract service such as consulting or advertising, then make something pretty and abstract emerge from the box. When you consider ad and flux, consider that ad is an abstract and flux is a state of being/existence(right?). Therefor, no normal user is going to know what it means unless you spell it out for them. Ditch the bkg on the box as well, I think it’s strong enough to exist without a frame. Anyhow, hope that helps a little. Please repost updated work.

I just used the word “abstract” four times. What have I done…

^ Nothing, “abstract” is a good, solid word worth using four times in a paragraph.

Thanks for all your feedback.

Also, the box is completely relevant. 125px x 125px blog ads are referred to as BOX ADS!

And a box in the front os completely relevant. Also, i havent used the box / or the font for any other logo, they have all been changed. I am just experimenting.