My new logo design - Feedback?


I have been working on a new Logo for my website Here are some of my ideas so far. I have kinda gone with the chocolate brownie style colors, but please tell me which one you think is the best. I have names them all. maybe tell me how to make the one you pick better?


Personally I really dislike that rounded font, so different boxes don’t really help. :hat:

Yeah, not a fan of the font here either. Also, the idea of having a box for a logo probably isn’t too great, unless you manufacture boxes. Considering Kedoa has so many elements it shouldn’t be too hard to find a replacement. (maybe coming out of the box is a bunch of icons representing videos, articles, etc. – just don’t make it too detailed)

Hmm, ok well if you aren’t a fan of that font, could you possibly suggest another font to try?

Send me a link to download a nice font.


You are asking someone to design for you instead.

Design your own font. The box lacks perspective. Give it a vanishing point :wink:

Do something yourself, this is the same thing as last time.

What does a box have to do with your site.

I think it would work more without the background for the box

Hmm, without the background is a good suggestion.

Also people, i dont get why you have to be so mean. I am simply posting my ideas for you to critique and help me make better.

I am only asking what font you would suggest for me to try. I am the designer, and i just want feedback.

I’m not a huge fan of the rounded text either, but I tell you what, it’s a hell of a lot better than that vile, heinous excuse for a font that’s above it.

But the box - why a box? The box is neither attractive or relevant.

That vile font was reated from scratch. Its not a font. Its a series of shapes etc put together in photoshop.

I will trya nd look for another font, then post back my design.

Also the box is relevent because Kedoa is about design, development and web.

The box represents design resources which i feature in the forums and on the blog frequently.

Maybe i should put stuff coming out the box.

I just want it to be simple though.

It’s just a cardboard box, if I saw that logo I would honestly think it was a box company, or office products etc.

It doesn’t really represent design, or the web at all does it? :smiley:

i like the rounded font. it fits the word.

my question is about the icon. it looks like the icon you get with a .zip or .sit file… is your website about file compression? cause that’s the vibe i’m getting… or maybe a moving company cause it’s a cardboard box??


Resist the temptation to get hung-up on the logo design.
It is doubtful that a “web 2.0” logo design like the one you are working with right now will have any brand recognition value whatsoever.
Personally, I think designers should keep it simple.

That said, I think you should approach any logo design from a black and white perspective.
If a logo design does not work well in black and white; it is probably too complex.
BTW, You have an interesting set of letter shapes to work with, and I like the way you’ve repeated the same circle shape for e d o a.
Develop this further, and IMO you should forget about the box symbol you’re currently working with. (the “K” is an excellent basis for a symbol IMO.)

Hmm, yes i will develop a few more design’s then post back.

I really appreciate all your feedback.