Few Questions

  1. Ok … i noticed on the very top of 2advanced if you right lcick it says abotu flash player, meaning its done in flash… i cant get the very top of my site to be in flash… http://lemoncellomusic.com/new thats a site im working on and i cant get the border to extend to teh top…

  2. does anyone know any simple dreamweaver tutorials…

  3. are there any tu tials for learning how to get thigns to load in flash… i have a feeling electron will know most of this :wink:


2advanced basically disabled the right click controls so that only the “settings” and “About Macromedia Player” shows up. Read this thread to learn how to do it. =)


no no what i mean is, when you right click it shows about flash player, meaning its done in flash, when i click the top of MY file, it says properties, meanign html… or whatever … even when i make the flash file to the top of the canvas, it shows up on the html and it doesnt make it all the way to the top of the page, but 2advanced does…

Ohh okay, then adjust your body tag to look like this.

This is what your body tag looks now.

<BODY bgcolor="#999999" background="../../Untitled-1.jpg">

Change it to this.

<BODY bgcolor="#999999" background="../../Untitled-1.jpg" topmargin="0">

mhuaaa thanks!! you guys are great… now that i have your attention i have another question

i am in dream weaver and i imported a bg image, it shows up on my computer but when i upload it to ftp as you can see the bg is just grey. in the code you copied it said bg image untitled-1 or something i even uploaded the image to the ftp, but the bg image wont show… any ideas?

Well look at your body tag, it’s trying to look for the image in several folders. If you uploaded your image into the same folder as the page you’re trying to apply the background to then the body tag should look like this:

<BODY bgcolor="#999999" background="Untitled-1.jpg" topmargin="0">

man you are a godam genius… never thought of that. hehe thanks it works now!!

the path to your BG image is probably incorrect (looks funny) and therefore all your seeing is the BG Color (image not even loading)… the path that EG quoted was in your view>source of your HTML page - not one he made up.

If you have the image nested in a sub-folder within the site folder you need to name that in the path address and be sure that it is accurate. Absolute paths are best.

Also… your movie is going to cover up most of that image, except where the edges are exposed html page… not sure what you expect to get from a BG image set up under your movie, unless it is a pattern meant only to show on edges. (???)

[edit]: That’ll learn me to start a reply and then go4abreak in the middle-long lag[/edit]

yeah its just a fade color to spice up the edges… yeah i got it thnaks!