FFF Readability Question

I know about the FFF and how they are pixel fonts. My question is, when I load a movie with FFF fonts into a different flash movie using the loadMovie command, they get all blurry. How can I make sure they will load in clear? I made the x and y coordinates of the movie clip I load my swf into integers. If i preview the swf I am loading, it looks good and crisp. When I see it loaded into another file, it is really really bad. Any advice greatly appreciated.

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if its in dreamweaver make sure the flash is set to load at high quality that might be it… i myself was getting ticked at that recently as im still trying to get used to dreamweaver mx

It is still in flash though. I load in a movie which changes its dimensions and offsets it from an integer pixel value but I can’t figure out how to change it.

center it maybe

You can’t center FFF fonts. They only work if right aligned or left aligned. I think i fixed it just by changing it .1 pixel at a time until it looked good

Are you scaling the movie?

Nope. Both the MC I load it into as well as the swf are 100 percent scale.

*Originally posted by grandsp5 *
**I load in a movie which changes its dimensions and offsets it from an integer pixel value but I can’t figure out how to change it. **
What you mean by that?

Sorry, that was earlier. Now I changed the scaling so it’s at 100 percent. Originally I had it at like 110 percent or something which was messing it up a lot. It seems to work now when i set it at decimal values of .4. No idea why, but it is clear and sharp. I just left it alone because i didn’t want to waste more time on it


That will make a difference. You didn’t say that in the other thread…If your movieClip isn’t a emptyMovieClip you are loading into, your movie will not be at the right proportions. Ergo - your text won’t fall on exact pixel anylonger unless you’re realllllly lucky.

[edit]I gotta learn how to type faster…:([/edit]

? Can you explain that again. I don’t have an empty movie clip, I have a temporary placeholder clip in my library. Should I make it an empty movie clip?

No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to confuse the situation. It’s what you and Cladio were talking about while I was typing. The movieClip you are using is fine as long as it has the same dimensions of the movie you’re loading in - otherwize, flash will resize it automatically.

When I load in movies, I just hit Insert>NewSymbol>MovieClip give it a name, hit enter, then drag it out to the stage. That way you will only have a registration point and the external movie will load in at it’s own size.

See what I mean?

Ahh. Ok. That makes sense. Also can i change the registration point or no? It loads the top left corner of the swf into the middle of my placeholder.

As far as I know, no. I have just learned to move that point to where I want the top left hand corner to be.

Yeah I did that too. Ok thanks