Finally, hope for UNFLUX

I think I called Pinx a guy when she first posted here :slight_smile: Boy oh boy, did I learn my lesson :wink:

and rev - instead of it being a ā€œlarge forheadā€ call it a fivehead - get it! :stuck_out_tongue:

ar ar

Canuuk humourā€¦

I get it!


what are ya, a pirate!

ar ar


at least the seas around my house arenā€™t frozen most of the yearā€¦



i canā€™t believe this whole thread has my name on it and I never
saw it! quite herrarious to be quite honest, hence this smiley :beam:

and as for my hair, I have no hope left. Itā€™s gone foreverā€¦sigh

I really do wish I had hair.

I knew you just missed itā€¦

itā€™s supposed to workā€¦

'course Iā€™m not buying oneā€¦


what?! no guinea pig on this?? well, iā€™m not buying one either then

are you kidding?

In no way could I spend 1/2 hour each and every nite doing anything I like alot, let alone with a laser brush in my handā€¦



[too much info]

I hate it when that happensā€¦


I say we all chip in and purchase this glorious peice of technology and each keep it for a month (or however long it takes to see results) at a time. We can post before and after shots and see how we have faired and if our long flowing locks have returned. Anyone else up for it! :slight_smile: