Using hair as dental floss

I am interested in peoples opinion of this. I think it is natures way but I am sure there are many who might find it odd.

Does anyone else do it?
As you can see I have longish hair. If you have always had short hair then you have probably never even thought about it.


Thank you.

Now that avatar looks even weirder :huh:


Nope… Never did it :stuck_out_tongue: And yes… that avatar…expanes allot :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve done it! I’m too cheap to buy actual floss. I only use floss when my dentist gives me stuff. Then I run out and either try very hard with the end of my toothbrush, or use my hair.

And the Random thread continues to earn it’s name…


is your hair thick enough not to break? if so I think maybe there is a market for that stuff. I’d start selling some on eBay.

holding back an evil comment can be soooooo hard

…instead here another comment nobody wanted to hear:
I guess many of us were involuntarily impelled to use hair as dental floss
[color=white]that’s why most men prefer shaved girls[/color]

i refuse to comment on this except to say this: ???

mean people use strg+a

umm… :huh:

That’s like… uber dirty. I wouldn’t want my hair in my mouth.

I don’t put my bodiliy ecretions in my mouth, kthx…

Well pubic hair is rather thick… Perhaps that will make better floss…

You all can try it and let me know how it goes… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey that would be tricky
Yea Ethan, I usually use 2 or 3 strands