The HairMax LaserComb is
an exciting advancement
in the treatment of problematic hair that uses the energizing effects of Laser PhotoTherapy
to make your hair thicker, fuller and more vibrant.
The HairMax LaserComb is
an exciting advancement
in the treatment of problematic hair that uses the energizing effects of Laser PhotoTherapy
to make your hair thicker, fuller and more vibrant.
to make your hair thicker, fuller and more vibrant
unflux has NO hair… hehehehhe
they are serious about this…
for $600, you too could be lazer’ing yo own heed for 30 minutes a day!
*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**unflux has NO hair… hehehehhe **
Hence why rev directed this at him
Rev: You’re one to talk
We’ll just get a wig for Unfluxie
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
Rev: You’re one to talk![]()
it’s much more fun to be funny and ironic at the same time…
and nice use of the word “hence.”
A laser comb. I’m afraid to use it.
bald men are supposed to be
a. really clean and tidy
b. really erm… talented… in … certain areas
old italian wives tail i bet, but its fun all the same
but would you date a bald guy (not just one who shaves, but an actual bald guy)?
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**it’s much more fun to be funny and ironic at the same time…
and nice use of the word “hence.”
Rev **
Yes… yes it is
And as for the word “hence”… I love that word, I use it too much actually…hehe. That and henceforth I just like the sound of it :beam:
me 2
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**but would you date a bald guy (not just one who shaves, but an actual bald guy)?
Rev **
depends. if he was bald cuz he’s old, then no, but not cuz he’s bald, just cuz he’s old.
if he was bald cuz he’s just bald for some reason then i don’t care. i like smooth heads.
but what about a guy, your age, but is going bald, you know he will have a monk’s hair cut in a few years…
You know what he is going to look like in 10 years…
Hey Rev, I kind of hear you on the whole “going bald” thing because I’m starting to get a little thin in the front - not enough for me want to shave my head just yet - but I think the day is coming.
I think that if you a) need to comb over your hair, shave it off. b) have the horseshoe permanitly engraved in the back of your head, shave it off. c) have a nice little landing area for birds and such on the top of your head, shave it off.
If I start to get to the point where I am trying to cover areas with other hair - then I"m gonna shave it off. I think a shaved head looks good on most people if kept tidy. Now I dont mean you have to shave it to the bare skin - just enough so there isnt a whole lot left up top and it’s way less noticable than, say, that combover you could be using
Time to break out the razor!
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**but what about a guy, your age, but is going bald, you know he will have a monk’s hair cut in a few years…
You know what he is going to look like in 10 years…
Rev **
first of all people like to look thier best and society grimaces at the monk haircut, so if he was going bald, he would probably shave it or get plugs or something.
second if i really liked him i wouldnt give a crap. i don’t think superficial stuff like that matters. granted you have to be attracted to your partner, but i’m mostly attracted to some1s soul. i’ve dated drop dead gorgeous men, and ive dated real, run of the mill average men, and IMO, it jsut doesnt matter.
I’m sure RG. I’m not saying you do different. I’m just saying that almost all of us (myself included), if, at a gathering of some kind, would be less likely to flirt, talk, engage in convo, to someone who is less attractive physically than we would like.
in other words, at a bar, 2 guys sitting, one at each end of the bar. They are both flirting with you across the room. both are roughly the same age. 1 has full, rich wavy blonde hair. The other is thinning on top, with a “large forhead” …
which guy would you rather come over to your table and sit?
the one who had the most honest eyes
Bless you, for you are rare.
hahah, i would talk to both of them and the one that didn’t act like an arsehole, i’d keep.
on a side note, i have a thing for guys who shave their head and i do think that guys who are balding need to shave their heads.
rotfl, i love your title pinx…
its a pain to get called “he” and “him” by newbies… lol
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